Family Groups, Strategy & Direction

Families are the heart of business in Australia.  There are so many great stories of successful family groups that often have created something from nothing.  Usually, it has been on the back of a dream held by the family patriarch or matriarch. 

We have seen three things happen in family groups. 

Firstly, the very succussful groups grow to a size where the family needs some new skills and talent around the board table.  Perhaps a sounding board is now needed to give direction when the business is at a level not experienced before. 

Or, secondly, the business can’t quite make that next step, and the tried and trusted ways that have been well-serving so far need just a little tweaking.

Or, lastly, perhaps the person behind it all needs to take a well-deserved rest and the founder and the family is not quite sure how to take the next necessary steps. 


Why should family groups revist their strategies?

At pSE Advisory, we advocate that family groups should regularly take stock and give consideration to what lies ahead because:

  1. Fresh eyes and ears will provide different insights.
  2. There may be skills needed around the table that are not within the family board.
  3. At worst, you might receive confirmation that you are on the right track.
  4. Most likely your adviser will have seen your problems before.
  5. As families get older, needs change.  Are the needs of all family members being met?
  6. Conversations around succession can be uncomfortable and an outsider might help ensure all voices are heard.
  7. The anxiety wtihin the family, for whatever reason, generally can be removed.

What is our Family Group support service?

Our Family Group support service will be as unique as each family group.  Depending on you, your family and your range of business interests, you might want support in the following areas:

  1. The family would like to hand the reins of the day to day to someone with different experience but still maintain board oversight.
  2. You have accumulated assets and created cash flow.  You would appreciate high-level input as to your next steps.
  3. The group is successful and looking to continue its growth.  You have some options on the table and want to assess them.
  4. You would like to review the group balance sheet and position the group for the changing of the generations.
  5. The diverse operations give rise to capital requirements in different directions.  Should we develop a strategy that prioritises our investment?
  6. It’s time to update our reporting and management information.  Where do we start?
  7. How can the founders step back and still have input and some level of control?
  8. Does the group structure lend itself to desires and intentions of the family members?

Where required, we would seek to ensure you obtain appropriate expert advice in the relevant areas.

The scope and shape of how we help depends on you.   A proposal and quote is provided once the scope is agreed.


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